Level 63
Level 31
Level 1540

When you get started, it takes 100 XP to get to the next level. The amount needed to level up increases every 10 levels, meaning after Steam Level 10 you'll need 200XP per level, after level 20 you'll need 300XP per level, etc.
This bot is an fully automatic level up service, which allows you to exchange your CS:GO keys for complete trading card sets, who are ready to be crafted and to increase your level.
Steam Gems are earned by converting the items in your steam inventory. With a value (10 -100) range per item of your Cards, Backgrounds or Emoticons. Sack of gems (1000 gems) worth 0.50€.

Steam Cards

Fast and safety LvLUp service

We all love to level up. Scratching the XP itch feels good, so much so that Steam itself got in on the action. Every Steam user has a level, with higher levels granting bonuses like extra slots on your friends list and higher drop rates for booster card packs.